RadioClub Domzale

S53CAB - S50C - S51CAB

Welcome to the official Home Page of Ham club Domzale-S53CAB.

On this pages you may find some interesting stuff like:
  • webcam, where you can see us at S51CAB and S50C location
  • history of hamradio in Domzale
  • equipment and antennas that we use
  • our activities on different bands
  • report files from contests
  • antennas, linears and other homebrewed equipment
  • pictures from meetings, contesting, and other activities
  • ...

This page is still in development so we apologize for any problems which can occur while browsing.

ZONE = 15

ITU = 28

  • S50C = JN76JG
  • S51CAB = JN76HD
  • Contact:

    Radioclub Domzale, S53CAB
    P.O. BOX 50
    1230 Domzale

    Want to see us live?
    All webcams are currently

    July 2024
    CQ WPX CW 2024
    Report file
    CQ 160 CW 2024
    Report file
    CQWW CW 2023
    Report file
    CQ 160 CW 2023
    Report file
    September 2023

    Compare the VHF & up scores by years for selected contest which we made during the past years.
