July contest is over.
08.07.2005 by Boris, S53CC
The conditions on this part of Europe where rather poor, but we are satisfied with results. We break down 23cm, 13cm and all band S5 record and came across magic 1Mio points, 1.120.000 exactly.
The activity from east was quite good despite bad WX conditions. We even manage to work some new squares on several bands. 2m was slow, 70cm was average, 23cm and 13cm where good and 3cm was tuff, with just two RS QSOs.

Here you can find results for each active band:

And here you can see some pictures form July contest event:
Part 1
Part 2
QRV in July VHF contest
28.06.2005 by Matija, S53MM
We will be QRV in July contest on:
144 MHz
432 MHz
1296 MHz
2320/2304 MHz
10368 MHz
with good equipment on all bands. Look for us on DXC, ON4KST chat or VHF converse net.

June contest is over
08.06.2005 by Matija, S53MM
See the results in latest contest reports and some pictures in photo gallery from the contest. Good scores on UHF bands.
Hope to see you in Alpe Adria UHF contest 70cm &up 19.6.2005 7-15 UTC.
We will be QRV in June VHF/UHF/SHF contest
27.05.2005 by Matija, S53MM

We will be QRV in June contest on 2m, 70cm, 23cm, 13cm and 3cm. Look for us on WW converse or DXC for online sked.

We wish Es on 2m, Aurora on 70cm, excelent tropo on 23 and 13cm and RS on 3cm for good score.

Team & equipment
12.05.2005 by Ales, S57OAA
Added more pictures of our equipment. You can find them in picture gallery.

Ever wondering who is behind the mic, when S50C is on air? Now you can see them.


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