HF Activities

All new Radioclub operators started their HAM carrier on HF bands, mostly on 80m CW (Morse code) mode. Later they move to SSB and other bands too. So there was always some club activity on HF bands.

Since we never own any good HF location with permanent antennas, it was not easy to be competitive in HF contests. Operating from temporary locations with temporary antennas and setup was always hard work. In spite of all, we had a few good attempts from our VHF location Mt. Menina at 1500m a.s.l. with heavy winter conditions and other borrowed locations too.

In years around 1987 we design 4x4 element loop antennas for 10m band. The antennas were real gain monster, but we had never luck with the weather. 4x4 element loop antennas for 10m

Later in years between 1994 and 1997 we put up 2 element 40m Quad with great success in contests. The antenna was homemade with great electrical and mechanical performances.

In years around 2000 we try new location in Dragomelj, near our home town. We were allowed to put antennas on primary school's chimney and nearby fields. 28MHz was the band of choice with stack of two 10m yagis on the chimney, another 4 element loop near the school and single vertical and latter pair of them for 80m band. We put also few beverage antennas and we learnt a lot about them.

Several times we were guests on other locations for some contests, for what we are grateful our hosts for giving us possibility to operate from there. WPX SSB 1998, (from left: S51TA, S51ZO, S53CC sitting, S53ZO, S55OO, S53MM in front) etc. The last one was at S51SL (pictures) where we try MS category in CQWW SSB. To celebrate year 2000 we operate WPX SSB M/M field day style from Slovenian Adriatic coast. Report and other stuff can be found here. Guests at S51TA
Guests at S51TA

Being active in Slovenian national HF contest is the king of our club tradition. Over 20 club operators join the contest every year. Beside great individual results in different categories, we are almost unbeatable in club category in the last decade. Here you can find results from this contest.

Here you can find some results in different contests from our club.

Want to see us live?
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CQWW CW 2024
Report file
CQ 160 CW 2024
Report file
October 2024
432MHz 1296MHz
CQWW CW 2023
Report file
September 2024
CQ 160 CW 2023
Report file
Alpe Adria UHF 2024
July 2024

Compare the VHF & up scores by years for selected contest which we made during the past years.
